Development of Computer Equipment Repair Management System: Case Electronic Communications Division

  • Anurak Jakkawat Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University
  • Virote Thongjund Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University
  • Amarita Ritthipakdee Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University
Keywords: Management System Development, Electronic Communications Division, Department of Air Operations Control, Computer Equipment


          This research article objective is to develop the management system computer equipment repair management. A case study of the Electronic Communications Division and to allow civil servants within the Department of Air Operations Control be able to report troubles for repair computers and communication equipment online at all times. This research, The sample was selected from civil servants from Department of Air Operations Control, aged between 21-60 years old, who were able to notify computer repair equipment, 30 people in a specific manner. Using a period of 2 months for the study. And using the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, arithmetic mean. And standard deviation. The results showed that satisfaction with the use of the computer repair management system is data recording, adding, deleting, correcting and searching for repair notification of computer equipment. The mean was 4.27 and the standard deviation was 0.77 by the overall satisfaction level. is at a high level and the beauty of the website The mean was 4.45, the standard deviation was 0.88, which the overall level of satisfaction was at a high level.

How to Cite
JakkawatA., ThongjundV., & RitthipakdeeA. (2022). Development of Computer Equipment Repair Management System: Case Electronic Communications Division. Journal of Academic Information and Technology, 3(2), 67-80. Retrieved from
Research Articles