Design and Implementation of Hotel Operations Platform: A Study on Selected Hotels in Phuket

  • Panchani Kooviratana Stamford International University
  • Vasu Keerativutisest Stamford International University


This business process improvement research is originated from the current situation in the hotel operations located in Phuket province has various areas for improvement. The DMAIC method is used as a vital improvement methodology, which consisted of defining phase, measurment phase, analysis phase, improvement phase, and control phase. Several analysis tools and data collecting techniques were applied to fulfill the target in each phase. The defining phase has service blueprint, check list, and pareto as the analysis tool along an interview session. Ten employees of the focal organization had participated in the interview during the defining phase. Time-function mapping and voice of customer (VOC) were used during the measurement phase with the observation technique. The cause-and-effect diagram was used in an analysis phase. For the Improvement phase, time-function mapping, lean thinking, and ECRS method were supported by observation and brainstorming techniques. Lastly, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) were used during the control phase. Moreover, these theories have been implemented at the focal hotel as a case study of the design and implementation of the hotel operations platform. The key issue for this business improvement research is to replace the non value added activities in the work process with the IT system. Lastly, this research has provided the results of the improvement including the results from the implementation, the project’s reflections, and limitations.
